do they still make chum gum

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I truly wish a gum/candy maker would reproduce this wonderful, delightful gum - I would love to introduce my grandchildren to it. My experience was in the 50's and 60's, though. I dont think any of these products were marketed as well as they could have been. Mint Juleps and Banana Splits were both made by NECCO who, sadly, went out of business. I grew up in Neptune beach Fl. This preceded Fleer's product by 13 years. As a German might say, that was really gte BIER!!! I hadnt thought about it much until a friend of mine brought up iconic candies from childhood and a quick search online trying to buy a tin of altoids left me feeling. If not treated, gingivitis can advance to periodontitis and eventual tooth loss. Bubble Gum Eggs from Arcor, Individually wrapped. It was silky smooth and it was the best gum for blowing huge bubbles. It had a unique and delicious taste. They lost sight of a historical favorite and it eventually was no longer popular or desired on the market. I'm a baby boomer!N. Wacky Wafers are not on your list. Barrels and Buckets Some anglers freeze chum in 5 gallon buckets, but you need a lot of freezer space to do that. [better source needed] A natural bubble gum flavoring can be produced by . Please try to get the recipe for the HOLLYWOOD Candy Bars ,as well as Butter-Nut Candy Bars POWER HOUSE Candy Bars Heard that company went out of business. when i was younger, my adoptive father would always take me to get my hair cut at this really just awful barbers salon. I love it! Thought I needed to quickly write you back, and indicate my suppositional error. Used to get that from the Helms Bakery Truck that used drive thru the neighborhood in the mornings. I just discovered a new productBlowpop Minis.disk shaped fruit flavored candy(same flavors as original Blowpops) with gum in the center. Early and mid-sixties in Fargo, N.D. The gambler in me made me go for it but it never paid off. Chum Gum was made by Fleer, also makers of Dubble Bubble, from around 1950 until 1971. Please bring it back. If you have reached this page, chances are, you searched for a candy that has been discontinued. Don't remember the price. Almost everyone is sold out of these products and any that would remain would be expired. I'm 51 in Cincinnati and I can't believe so many people remember Chum Gum. Also, a similar store in Gettysburg Pa sells these old-time treats. I live in South Dakota and LOVED Chum Gum :) Bought it at Woolworth's here. I only had it a handful of times after that, as I rarely found anywhere after that. I recall the sugar coated blue gum! Certs I miss you but I have tons of memories. I would also get Kits in banana, chocolate and strawberry. Fleer made the Chum Gum and it is now discontinued. I'D BUY ALL HE HAD. Please start making milkshake Candys bars again. I think there were 3 pieces for a penny. I wish I could find it somewhere. It never lost it's flavor and the smell was heavenly. I've searched for it everytime I see an All Candy store. I wish they wouold make Chum gum again .. and bring back those Old memories My recollection is that Chum Gum was manufactured by the Curtiss Candy Company, the same folks who made Baby Ruths and Butterfingers. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Best gum ever! I miss the gum, or maybe everything about being a child in that time. I found a box on Ebay from the 50s, but could not imagine eating something that Does anyone know what company produced the milkshake bars. But I couldn't for the life of me remember its name. Try itYou will not be disappointed;). It must have been true cinnamon. I discovered Chum Gum in a small bait & tackle store, of all places, when I went fishing with my dad. Unfortunately, this didn't save Chum Gum from oblivion shortly after. Used to buy mine at the local 7 Eleven in the Philadelphia area. The flavor didn't last long, but it was unique! Can you bring it back ? Yum! Yum yum chum gum!!! Am I way off base? Never could find any. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Snack History participates in the Amazon Associate and WalMart Partner Network programs and receives earnings from qualifying purchases. It was popular for the entirety of the gum because it was soft and easy to chew but also because it had good flavor. So many memories..Kids today have awesome technology but they didn't have chum gum, or even klick clacks please Kleer bring this gum back to us ! I used to buy it at Allen's Grocery. Chum Gum is one that many of you might remember. When she was old enough shed reach in my pocket and ask for one. Anyway, I have also been looking for it for years with no luckChum gum was the best! He instead focused solely on Dubble Bubble, much to his success. I am 78 years old and would buy a box today if I could find it. It was pink and I loved that two came in the wrapper. "To prevent decay, To sweeten the breath, To keep teeth white," read the package. Where can I find Chum bubble gum or do they still make it? They were oval in shape, had clear wrappers, and were fruit flavored. Please , I have cancer and I really need my certs !!!! In the 50's and into the 60's Chum Gum did come 3 pieces for a penny. Thanks for the memories. I have used Certs Peppermint breath mints since 1965. The wintergreen flavor is mellow, not too much like some sort of analgesic balm or Pepto Bismol. Tootsie Roll has displayed no interest in reviving Chum Gum. flavor and texture was completely amazing. My last research showed that the Wrigleys division of Mars owns the recipe but is not producing it unfortunately. I was only seven back then, but anytime the subject turns to candy when we were kids, Chum Gums were the first youd hear from me! he would share it with me all the time. I live in Iowa where I would buy it at the neighborhood grocery store. Let's start a petition to bring back our beloved Chum Gum. Hi Noon candy bars were my favorite candy back in the mid fifties. You dont make them anymore. Clove, Black Jack and Juicy Fruit were expensive, penny a stick! Snack History maintains its neutrality. Do you know where I could find them or do you have the ability to obtain them if they still exist somewhere? I wish they would bring this gum back because it was truly great. Fleer introduced the recipe to the world as Dubble Bubble (and yes, we carry that, too). I read a story on the net that the Scrunch was and is Johnny Depps favorite bar too! Get up in My tree house and eat it all. Now the world has sugarless gum, organic gum, all-natural gum, and bubble gum and chewing gum in a full spectrum of flavors and colors. I grew up in Maryland and used to buy Chum Gum at the little general store that sold penny candy and gas. Or at least tell me where I could buy some other than eBay. Chum gum lovers - You can make it yourself - no need to wait for someone to do it for you. Please leave a review or any memories of this snack in the comments below. My sisters and I used to go to Johnnys market .. (kind of like a 7- 11)and buy it 2 sticks for a penny I LOVE the taste of that gum as well as a gum that was GrapeGum In a purple colored wrapper with yellow print on it I also remember Black jack ..Clove and Beemans ..Yummyyyyyy ! My sister and I talked about it often. It was the best! This is GREAT!!! it appears that there is still a HUGE interest in Chum Gum. For years I have been searching for this stick bubble gum called "Chum Gum". I just went to my 45 year class reunion in Mobile, AL and they had a center piece on each table with retro candy like the cigaretts, wax coke bottles, windmill cookies but no Chum Gum. CHUM GUM WAS THE BEST GUM IN THE WORLD TO ME,I WAS BORN IN CHICAGO AROUND 47TH STREET,I USE TO SNEAK INTO THE REGAL HIDE UNDER THE CURTAIN AND WATCH THE GREATS PERFORM,WHEN THE SHOW WAS OVER I WOULD GO TO THE CORNER STORE AND GET MY CHUM GUM,BOX OF FRIUT COCKTAILS AND MINT JULIPS,I NEVER KNEW PEOPLE HAD BAD BREATH WHEN THEY WERE CHEWING CHUM GUM,SO SOMEONE PLEASE BRING IT BACK, THE ORIGINAL FLAVOR NO SHORT CUTS PLEASE.THE KIDS TODAY MISSED OUT ON THE GOOD STUFF. Time to stand up and her butt went up for a few inches and stopped and she tried again and now four times later she realized her butt in stuck to her seat and hear I'M STUCK and she looks at me and said Joey mommy stuck can you help mommy stand up from her seat so I helped her and she had chum gum all over her butt. Somebody bring it backthey have brought everything else back from beechies to violet why not chum gum? Oh, to smell those again! I talk about Chum Gum atleast once a month. I remember going to Ferrell's Rexall on High Point Terrace area. No one that I know remembers this gum..can't figure that out! We saved our paper route money and walked down to the fruit stand that had a section of all penny candy; waxed lips, squirrel nuts, maryjanes and the all time favorite Chum gum. What was the only . If we found an empty soda bottle, we would redeem it at Wright's market in Dansville, Ny for the 2 cents and buy some Chum Gum. The reason I am writing you is because for the past 16 years Ive been eating Twizzlers or Red Vines and they are awful. I also thought no one else knew about it, I hope it comes back. Reply Jonah Half February 28, 2019 at 12:35 pm. Afterwards, I thought I'd do an online search of CG. And whatever happened to Welches Fudge bars? Wish we could still get Chum Gum its the best. JMK, I just posted something about Chum Gum on the St. Louis Post-Dispatch website. Two for a penny and with a dime i would fill my mouth with 20 sticks and chew until I couldn't move my jaw any more. And what Im in search of does not have that. google it and see if you can find it! I've asked a co-worker who is from New York, did she remember chum gum and she looked at me like I lost my mind. Bubblicious Chocolate Mint flavor. I really miss this nostalgic gum. I lived in Stanton, Calif. We use to go to the corner store with a quarter and by a bag full of different candies to watch Astro Boy and Zolar. In the early to mid 1960's we would visit our cousins in Cinti OH & there was a Mom & Pop corner grocery that sold penny candy. I cant live without them. Im 54yrs old, and still want ChumGumlol. Nothing has ever compared to Chum. So sad. IT IS LIKE THE BEST GUM EVER.BRINGS ME BACK TO THE DAYS WHEN LIFE WAS GOOD,AND NOTHING BOTHERED ME.THOSE WERE THE DAYS. (I'm 57 now) Let me know what you think. I can still remember the incomparable taste of that gum. Well I looked that name up, shortly after writing to you, Quickly discovered that Chicken Bones* are still in production (somewhere), and doesnt fit the lengthy description I gave for the product Im in search of, at all !! We would put two pieces in at one time. I used to buy it in Burbank, Illinois, where I grew up. This gum is remembered as being one of the best bubble-blowing gums ever. I"m 70 & don't recognize Chum Gun, but I do fondly remember Yank Bubble Gum - sure wish I could find some for old times sake. Thor was my favorite. I AGREE WITH EVERY ONE I HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT CHUM FOR MONTHS AND DECIDED TO CHECK OUT ALL OF THE GUMS SITE BUT HAVENT ANY LUCK. What a great time to be a kid! Let us all write Tootsie Pop and request its return. It was 1961 and for .25 you could buy a 12oz bottle of pepsi, ice cold from the machine, a .10 bag of Jays Potato chips and 3 grape gum balls. They have never heard of it. I also came across Dem Bones, which are no longer in production, as an older Brachs item. At 55 i still remember going to Connie's by Wilson Junior High School in Philly to get my supply of this delicious gum and other great candies. It was/is the best flavored gum to date. I LIVE IN WASHINGTON DC BROUGHT A PACK FROM A MARKET FEW YEARS AGO. One thing we did find to be interesting was the fact that people were still finding Chum Gum for sale almost 20 years after it was officially discontinued. what great memories. With the popularity of dark chocolate I would think that the Hollywood Candy Bar would have a huge following now Cant some company get the recipe and please bring it back. As The Saturday Evening Post lamented, however, the Chiclet disappeared in 2016, leaving, in its words, "only sad imitations of the brand" in its wake. Wish I had some right now! Do u have them ? Almost cried because they dont make Branchs dem bones anymore. The candy bars they make now are so small and do not taste as good. Always had a stash of candy and gum to go back to the school. I LOVED Chum Gum!! We had Chum gum in Silver Spring, Maryland. Used to be able to get it at ONE and only one ice cream place in Virginia. Chiclets History Adams developed Chiclets over a century ago and it quickly became known as the candy coated gum. , The reason why this is no longer on the market is that the FDA found it was causing even more gum erosion than pain it was felt to be relieving! So glad I am not the only one whose friends look at me like I'm crazy when I mention it! Chum gum was my favorite. We would split the money we got( .10 to .15 cents) and then hit the penny candy. Tasted great, too! It was so yummy. Chiclets Fruit Gum. Would love to see this come back on the market! I bought it in the 60s in New Lebanon, Ohio. Remember the cinnamon toothpicks? However, being his 'baby', he bought it for me that first time I saw it. It was the BEST gum ever!! I had chum gum all the time. . Please make them again. Sometimes the flavor is decent, but you can't blow a bubble if your life depended on it. PLEASE BRING THEM BACK! Besides tasting great, the price was great as well. im jonesing for one. I was in my teens the best time of my life. I too remember chum gum, I am 61 years old and can still taste it in my mind. For the most part, these came in either 2 sticks or 5 sticks to a pack. And like many of you here no one that I know remembers it. Whenever I mention it to all of my friends it just brings back to good ole days. I have been looking for Chum Gum for years and I haven't had any luck. chum gum was the best gum that i ever chewed.And its so sad that its gone for good. Love Chum GUM! We could get into the old State Theater for 10 RC Cola bottle caps and watch the kiddie matinees, so all week long it was the "big hunt" at the gas stations to ask the employee's there to open the soda machines and let us have the bottle caps. ___ But anyway, from our semi-permanent tactical missile site we Glorified Grunts would often have to drive a lil ole Jeep or a Deucen-a-Half truck the 60 ks to headquarters for some part or circuit board for repairs. While its no longer here, you can reminisce with Dubble Bubble and appreciate the time it was here and successful. 2 for a penny. I grew up in MA and there was a corner variety right by my elementary school that used to sell Chum Gum. You could never eat just one stick.It had and awesome flavor. Impossible to find anywhere. In 1899, a New York City druggist named Franklin V. Canning created a chewing gum which he promoted as an aid to oral hygiene. Chew. That is, when we weren't playing stepball, riding bikes or trading baseball cards. I could not believe the comments! Since you haven't heard from anyone from Iowa yet, I just had to write. I used to buy it in my home town of Pine Ridge SD! I never googled chum gum and just did. Never been anything close to how good it was. Youve shared lots of very special memories that will always be cherished. Vintage Wrigley Chewing Gum Pack Full New Extra Bubble Gum 20 Packs 5 Piece. It was the best!Bring it back! It's the only treat that really stands out in my memories of childhood, except maybe Sugar Daddy's. We got Chum Gum from the guy in the ice cream truck. Anyone remember sputnik gum? Since Chum Gum was only around for a limited time, and that was mostly before the days of internet, its a bit challenging to find a lot of history for the brand. Thanks, Candy. Loved the flavor and the big bubbles! Is there any other bubble gum that even comes close to chum gum? //2007-06-05: inthe70s As time passed she reach in and take the roll, all it did was put a smile on our faces. the good ole days. Fairchance, Pa. Twas my favorite as well. Others make so much chum they need big barrels. I loved Chum Gum :-). Please, please, please get them Hollywood candy bars back that say it all. I have been typing chum gum in seach engines now and again hoping it would spark a memory or a location where I may purchase it. When my Mom passed away, my sister and I were recalling the days when we were kids and unbelievable, but we spoke about the Chum Gum and how we'd fight over that dang stuff! BEST TIMES OF MY LIFE I'LL ALWAYS REMEMBER,MY GRANDCHILDREN WOULD LOVE IT!! I prefer the bigger size! The neighborhood kids loved that gum. One kid at school asked me if I was rich since I always had a bag of candy. I have looked high and low but no luck of finding any. Might be a big hit again. Unfortunately, from what we could find, it seems like Chum Gum fell out of the spotlight because so much focus was turned to Dubble Bubble by the company. The absolute best bubblegum ever! My sisters and brother don't remember it but I sure do! I recently purchased some hair products and I kid you not it smelled just like Chum gum. . Does anyone remember Adams brand fruit flavored gumsgreen apple, grape, cherry, and so on? We had Chum Gum in Dallas Texas in the 60's. I wish they still made it--I would certainly buy it all the time. I was beginning to wonder if I was not remembering correctly. I love this site. Mr. Canning called his new gum Dentyne which is a combination of the words "dental" and "hygiene." Dentyne Gum Memories Thank you! best gum ever. Good bye Chum Gum. Sadly, they have been discontinued as they were part of the NECCO line that disappeared when the company went bankrupt. Butternut candy bar. The history for the stories behind Chum Gum is limited but to our knowledge, the gum was first produced in 1950 by Fleer Company. Long lasting flavor and makes great bubbles. Sadly, Maple Nut Goodies were discontinued by the manufacturer along with so many other delightful Brachs product. Might have been associated with the discontinued candy section. I grew up in Chicago in the 1950's and chum gum was and still is the BEST tasting gum I've ever tried. Wish I could still get it!! Dixie Rector. My kid, grandkids & great-grandbaby will miss one of the greatest flavors of life without it. !WhErE CaN I FiNd iT? I hadnt actually thought about them for a long time and found one bag hanging up. I have told sooo many people about it and they all think I'm crazy. I remember buying Chum Gum in the middle 50's. My sister and I were just talking about chum gum, it brought back our childhood and things were so good..miss this gum.. MY HUSBAND AND I USE TO BUY CHUM GUM IN THE SIXTIES IN PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA THIS WAS THE BEST GUM I'VE EVER TASTED. Do you know if they still make them, and if so, how I could get some? Google - How to make gum? There was a small corner market (Rosita & 5th) that sold many of the "treats" I fondly remember like Scooter Pies, licorice by the foot, pixie sticks, Kits and my all time favorite Chum Gum. Do they still make bubbaloo gum? What happened to Nestles Chocalite candy bar? I fell in love with Chum Gum since 6th grade in '62.I agree with everyone's comments, but besides the great flavor, Chum Gum produced the best bubbles! Thanks for sharing your memories! Alas, I have searched the world over for many years, searching and hoping that somewhere I would find Chum Gum. Some of the memories about this gum say things like it brings me back to the days when life was good or in my opinion Chum Gum was the best gum ever made. Thank you! I also grew up in chicago with CHUM GUM.It too brings me back to a simpler time. They disappeared quite a long time ago. First time I ever bought Chum Gum was 1959 at Szegedi's Candy Store near Birmingham Terrace. Take a peak at WHERE CAN I FIND CHUM GUM? Fleer needs to start making it again. Chum Gum was the bestused to get it at the store on the corner of Irving and Damen where Lincoln intersects in Chicago. Bubble Beeper Bubble Gum. I thought I was the only one that had this gum and for a while I began to think it was all in my head. Along with hot dog weiner gum! Youd get two sticks, for a penny mind you, and the flavor literally lasted through an entire day of baseball, hula hoops and other fun kid stuff. Oh so delicious. A friend and I in Silver Spring, MD would take my 25 cents allowance (in 1952) and buy about 50 sticks of Chum-Gum and chew all sticks at once to see who could blow the biggest bubbles. It used to come in different colors as well, not only pink but blue and green and I swear once I remember yellow. Everyone I've ever mentioned it to has never heard of it. Studies show that guar gum may lower blood sugar. Is this something that is still available to get? I am missing one of my all-time favorite candies. I appreciate Cracker Barrel for selling Clove & Teaberry but they are missing the best gum of all time, i can't believe i miss a GUM so much! Certs. Geez Louise, how I LOVED Chum Gum. As someone said, the flavor didn't last long but the gum had so much elasticity and blew the best bubbles ever. I'm from Denver Colo,and they sold it in a little food store down the street from my high school. If we ever discuss back on the market the company would be very successful. I well remember Chum Gum. Three sticks for 0.1 cent. They had a penny candy counter there and I ALWAYS bought Chum-Gum. It seems everything that it ever really good is discontinued. Best gum ever! The refreshing chewing gum with the savory flavor of ground fish entrails. We would get a couple of pennies and walk about a half mile to buy some. I wish I could find it somewhere! A group of us kids used to run across the interstate (Shhh! Please, please, bring back the fruit CERTS Id love to have them back or any company start making them. Please leave a review or any memories of this snack in the comments at the bottom of this page. The good news is that memories remain. There has never been or will ever be a better tasting gum. I remember chum gum like it was yesterday. 25 cents went a long way back in the 60's. That was my favorite gum, with Chum Gum and Bazooka Joe a close second followed by mini-chiclets, I loved Chum Gum, we used to get recess and we were permitted to go to the little store called Brickers Penny Candy Store.Ah!!! My brother and I would return bottles for Grandma to the store. it had that cold feeling when you first started chewing it. These mints were more that a breath mint, they were an institution. Most assuredlythe best tasting gum everreminded me of Yank Bubble Gum. Wow! Thank you Rob Lambert for the info. Tootsie Roll bought Fleer 12 years ago, and today makes Dubble Bubble, another old Fleer product. No gum compares to the taste or texture. AND SO DO MY GRANDCHILDREN. they were fantastic and the start to my love of sour candies, and theyre gone. I'm from Weymouth Massachusetts and really miss the chum gum. For 5 cents I could get a candy bar and 2 packages of Chum Gum. I loved the flavor and it smelled so good! On sale, if you bought any ten Fleer penny gum products (Chum Gum included), the eleventh was free. Beech-Nut Gum You can't find it officially anymore, unless you want to pay $37.49 for a decades-old pack on eBay. Then you pop it, stick it back in your mouth and start another bubble. How do we find the manufacturer and talk them into making it again. Also got a lot of teachers upset. My brother would buy it by the case and hide it. I'm 50 and from St. Louis. anyone else remember them? I felt like i was in the twilight zone or something. CHUM GUM was the best! I think we bought it at the local 7-11. Fifty cents would get me a whole bag. How I wish.someone would bring it back before Iam gone. When my grandaughters lose teeth, we call them chiclets! It has comforted you in times of need, or helped celebrate a special occasion. Bub's Daddy bubble gum ropes. Could be the case If so, then it would just be nice to know what is was called way back when. Well she spoke about this gum and how much she loved it so I just had to go on E-Bay and get a stick for her. From 1970, Fleer began selling Chum Devil Gum. :Can't be his heart, then. Oh my gosh, I have dreamed of Chum Gum for years. I would bring it to school in the sixties I am 57 now and that gum was damn good! I loved eating them with my popcorn at the theater Nothing seems to come close to these. I remember 3 sticks for a penny. It can't hurt to try! i grew up chewing chum gum and can like many other tell someone about it and they look at me like i am crazy. No one has ever heard of it except the 5 of us now. I grew up in Greeley Colo. I know that not many people remember the 10:30 bar, but those of us who do remember miss it still. Interesting comments on Chum GumThanks for the history Rob Lambert. Every company is out of stock of mint juleps. The candy they make now sucks. I also grew up in Chicago. I take it out sometimes and think back .In the 50s it was 3sticks for .01. Bring back Sqeeze pops, Gatorgum, and especially Whistle pops. I am dying for a piece of CHUM GUM! I blew my first bubble with a stick of Chum Gum. For the longest time, I couldn't remember what it was called and then by chance I was looking for some unique halloween candy and found the name!! I wish they would make it again. I grew up in Oak Ridge Tn (just outside knoxville) and i never found it at any local stores more than a couple of times. )..wont buy Brachs candy corn this Halloween.

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