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Shifting and reassessing your focus on your goals is an important thing to do, you may enter a new organization or fall into a position of authority, becoming more responsible for more people is common as well. listen to new music. we do have time for energy vampires around here! House of the Sun: the house of the sun can show where the heart of the relationship lies. there is a high probability that you may be accused of false passion and loyalty due to this. please use my ask me anything button if you want to see a specific asteroid god/goddess next! you may also project onto others as they project onto you. this post is very different and long. growing up is rough but hey we all do it and time waits for no human - walk before the universe shoves you along unwillingly. my advice for surviving this retrograde: revisit childhood in a safe environment like therapy or a shadow-work journal. i have always been told that i have a very charming presence that makes people listen to new perspectives and ideas. hiii, what are the indicators of meeting the person you will marry on the solar return chart?. It appears extremely paradoxical as though its a small police box on the outside but in reality its a big sci-fi space and time machine on the inside. people who dont take care of themselves when they feel bad only drain themselves more in the long run - take care of yourself! If you would like to see your natal chart with any of the following minor aspects added, go to > Free Horoscopes > Extended Chart Selection. Enter in your birth information, and when you arrive to a page where you can select what astrological chart you would like, scroll down to Additional Objects and enter the number of the asteroid you would like in your chart. dont be afraid to explore sexuality or style at your own pace (remember you are beautiful - its scary to try new things but scary doesnt mean bad, ugly, and/or unworthy). @amethystmooon leo: amusement parks, england, bombay, government buildings, northern CA, chicago, circus, dance halls, theaters, france, italy, or a stadium. when you do something you appreciate, smile and acknowledge you did that! my advice for surviving this retrograde: brainstorm everything you want to say to assert yourself and pick the best option. you likely will attract a lot of the publics attention. * Venus conjunct vertex where bella is for me and how it affects me personally: 8h in libra at 29 - bruh its not easy being this sexy. you *might* experience a rape in which you find yourself with a child. you may be seen as a godly presence on earth - people trust that you know all the answers, and thats why they follow you. He is thought to be the greatest of his time in fact he was nominated for many awards but sadly he never won any of them. dont feel as though you are required to be part of a group. Eucharis does not appear in classical Greek myth (she appears in an Enlightenment Era epic, Les Aventures de Tlmaque), but she is thought to be one of the nymphs of Calypso. practice active listening to others - you may be a realist while some one else is a dreamer, a healthy balance is somewhere in between. Many of his painting and works are still studied today as masterpieces i.e. you know your symptoms best! astrology Love Astrology, Marriage Astrology, Marriage Horoscope, Horoscopes Match Love Astrology, Horoscope Matching ,Marriage Astrology, Marriage Horoscope, Marriage Astrology Match, Love Marriage Astrology ,Marriage Astrology Horoscope your focus usually aligns with your values - if you are working somewhere where your values dont align, you likely will take over until the workplace aligns. 12h: you may have a rather memorable death. they may not have a solid definition of pure or have a skewed opinion of pure, holding everyone to a high standard of pure or none at all. medusa dedicated the majority of her life to athena and made sure the goddess felt respected and thus pleased. any creature comfort zones that involve you entering the space of another woman may be your thing - you may personally have experience in settings like those and wish to give back. These couples are attracted to each other instantly. you may find yourself being concerned for others but not speaking to them one-on-one. this is likely to cause a lot of frustration with themselves due to a hatred of being limited. For marriage astrology, Astrologers also look into the right date and time to get married, because getting married in certain bad timings and days can wreak havoc in married life. you may have grown up going to the sea often or living near a body of water like this mythical character. Gemini (Saturn in the 9th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons mostly into your life through higher education, religion, spiritual journies, long distance travel, views of the world and philosophies. buy yourself something youve been wanting but have been saying youll wait until something big happens. There are different ways to calculate composite charts. URANUS retrograde people typically struggle with their originality - during this retrograde you may feel as though you are stuck in a rut when it comes to your life and how it looks. Bill Clinton got married on 11-10-1975 and he was in RAHU-SATURN, Saturn is lord of navamsha and gave him marriage. religion is great dont shit on others for not sharing your beliefs or lack thereof though. Suppose the 7th house Lord is in a dual sign, then the second marriage may occur.It must be understood that Dasha-Antardasha should support the second marriage astrology. you may be most concerned with fulfilling your responsibilities and whether you are achieving goals! Physically, watch for issues with the chest and breasts. my advice for surviving this retrograde: deep breathing exercises. The most popular way is to take the midpoint between the individuals placements. Marriage Horoscope Predictions let you know, Your prospective life partner Favourable periods for your marriage General nature of your married life Predictions on children Your Doshas affecting marriage Yogas influencing your married life Remedies to Doshas Fill the form below to get Marriage Horoscope Average rating: 4.9 It may be hard for you to feel as if what youre saying has worth and power during this time, and there lays a heavy burden within this, communication in your life and understanding may be lacking from the people closest to you. people may accuse you has faking your interests simply to get attention from others or to outshine another. this retrograde can show a person who is either super devote or an atheist. FOR ALL THE GODS SAKES PLEASE SEND ME A PICTURE OF WHAT WE ARE LOOKING AT. A large commitment like marriage arises, or a buckling down kind of feeling. * Jupiter conjunct/Trine/Sextile venus you may find that you too gain a lot of praise and attention when you do things for others or put their needs first. are we getting a strange angelic vibe? Love Marriage Astrology A GOOD THREAD OF LOVE: If in the morning Venus is once again in the Mars sign in conjunction with Uranus, it can also crash at some dark corners and ends of the general relationship landscape. you decide what happens next. i tend to throw out the asks for asteroids i have done or ones not related to mythology. Your birth date and timing is also very important to find a good match . positive aspects: you may have daydreamed a lot about your ideal life when you were younger, only to find yourself living that life later in life. medusa-jupiter: you may feel safest when you feel like you have received a lot of luck recently, in religious settings, around your husband, at university, when traveling, and/or when indulging in life, but these situations may cause you danger. Lova is an asteroid with no known origin but is most similar to the word lover. 8h: lets get the triggering portion cleared - this is the house of sex and medusa was raped. Byron also brought the idea of a flawed talent into the Romantic movement. 5h: casino, racetrack, cinemas, circus, concert, via parents, parent-child events, social parties, bars, or a vacation. The composite chart for Beyonc and Jay-Z for example is extremely 1st house-heavy, with the moon, Pluto, Jupiter, sun, and Mercury all within the 1st house. The result given by the Marriage calculator is generic in mature and some aspects of the result in . Sacrifices will be made for you to begin a clean slate into reality. (Mostly Surgeons) Venus in 10th is good for a doctor studying medicine. It is thought that tzi was murder due to the arrowhead found embedded in his left shoulder and other wounds. For a more in depth understanding I recommend looking into finding your Rahu and Ketu in Vedic Astrology for more in depth and personal life path guidance. But to finalize any alliance, you need to know about two more houses, viz. See a recent post on Tumblr from @courtcaseastro about marriage-astrology. so make sure you are always experiencing more - you may find that you enjoy worshipping deities from across many other cultures. did i ask that my mans look like David? exposure therapy. For example, in the composite between me and my boyfriend, the ascendant is placed in Leo, and the chart ruler (sun) is placed in the 10th house in Gemini. they may despise domestic life and homestead upkeep. We could be seeing more revolutionary uprisings in the hands of community in causes for change in authority, people are reaching a limit and this is a time to rebuild a better foundation for all of humanity. Palliative care is the comfort care a person receives when diagnosed with a terminal illness that will likely end in death. OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: alice (291) and lewiscarrol (6984)! you likely are quick to adapt to the situations at hand. on the plus side, you may have nice hair, a stunning face, and piercing eyes. Sometimes, the house location of Venus or Jupiter can work. clean out the closets, following lists, the memory bin, photos, and detox from all that stuff youve been dragging along! they may be haunted by their past. its a bit much, yes? all that being said you may have an odd relationship with motherhood - whether it is your mother or you that caused distance is the big question. Its important to remember though that it may not be easy for us to personally understand or relate to the composite chart between us and others. Discover more posts about marriage-astrology. as for 2h: banks, via your mothers siblings, could be at your public enemys funeral:), via your grandfather, through nephews and nieces, through step siblings, etc. if it bothers you and they care about you, then it should bother them as well. i have written about 25 randomly selected asteroids from my interesting asteroids list on my phone that are NOT mythology related and thus have never been mentioned and likely will never be mentioned again. You may experience a harder time becoming more intimate with other people, transforming and reassessing your emotional values and connections becomes important. This is a clean slate at living a life you can build for yourself and others, its essential to make the right choices. you may be the unspoken ruler/leader of your circle of people. *all of these observations are based on anatal chart- solar return and persona charts will change all these observations because the context is different*. speaking of athena - you may find yourself in an unspoken agreement with a powerful entity - you may just sign over your soul and forsake your life before. pisces (12, 24): you may be rather clueless as to what is going on in the world around you. on the flip side, it is okay to leave those who you feel dont make you a better person, who harm you, or alienate you! Cancer (Saturn in the 8th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons into your life area of transformation, intimacy, power dynamics, soul bonds, taxes, death, debt, other peoples finances and assets. Juno is the patron of married women and marriage. you too may experience this type of servitude - blocking out everything that happens around you in order for you to focus on your interests. generate both charts from there.-> go to my vedic astrology master list and find out how to read north indian vedic chart if you want to know about your future spouse traits. Could be a marriage indicator. 6. the only person i want to take care of me when i am sick is my mother: cancelli quintile moon (also backed in the persona chart as moon in the 10h at 11). Physically, watch for problems with the feet, ankles, and lymph nodes. A moon that is intercepted, unaspected, detriment or in fall, or only forming discordant aspects will probably indicate feelings of insecurity, dissatisfaction, or distance. 7h: i feel as though, for this asteroid, this house is not about marriage. you likely will attract and meet people from all over just like medusa did. His memoir was burned by his publisher after the work detailed his bisexual relations. Marriage is such a phase of life, in which one must take care not only of one's own but also of the other person's feelings equally. IN MY OPINION Byron in a chart can indicatea) how well read you are, b) your love for poetry, c) how people react to you and how you react to them, and/or d) bisexuality. The expression eureka originates in Greece as the term heurka meaning I have found it. Now the word is a popular expression used when someone is overjoyed with their discovery. #Marriage in astrology on Tumblr Latest cosmicpuzzle Follow 7th Ruler and Meeting Spouse So on request from one of my follower, I decided to make this post. you likely arent as power-hungry as people assume you to be - you do what you do just because you love it. i am really great at planning and making things work out, yet many people think i should do things that are lowkey something smaller or less helpful to the unit. in other words, she stood on stage worshipping athena and was admired for her beauty and devotion. The Moon: in the composite chart, the moon is associated with sensitivity and the level of comfort in a relationship. USE THIS AS MOMENTARY FOR TRANSITS AND LONG-TERM WHEN PRESENT IN YOUR NATAL CHART. there are likely a lot of self-restrictions - this could be due to a lack of self-approval. NEPTUNE retrograde people typically struggle with their thoughts - during this retrograde you may feel like you cant think straight or that you are more critical of yourself. they may hate rivalries with others. another fun one is an asteroid named endo - endometriosis affects 1 in 10 women. negative aspects: you could resonate with medusas fall from grace with athena - you too may understand what it is like to be punished for something you didnt do. But this was before I knew indicators that astrology isnt set in stone. The Cheshire Cat is one of those characters that tend to be smug with an omniscient aura. you likely surround yourself with a lot of feminine power - uniting for a common goal: to preach and/or protect! It shows whats necessary in the relationship in order for it to survive and prosper. you may be a publicly known figure. they may have a story attached to them about being completely incoherent - ODs, drowning, coma, concussion, anaphylactic shock, etc. The Ascendant and Chart Ruler: the ascendant of the chart along with the chart ruler can show how the couple first met or how the relationship began, how others perceive the relationship, and how they initiate things and projects together and react to things. In female horoscope ,Jupiter afflicted by Saturn/Rahu/Ketu indicates inter caste marriage. they likely feel as though no one is there when they need someone. Youre called to be the voice of reason, to reassess your communication style and bring truth of revolution so speak and let your voice be heard no matter how discouraging it can be. Make sure to not make any risky financial decisions during this time such as gambling. you arent alone in period issues either - talk with your doctors! For example, if the composite sun is in the 4th house, there is a need for security in the relationship. Eventually, when King Actor passed away, Peleus becomes the King of Phthia. Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas, Kris Kringle, or Santa is the Western Christian icon who is believed to bring children gifts on Christmas Eve. capricorn (10, 22): you share medusas air of seriousness - she was always too focused on the task at hand rather than noticing the room around her. number a list of things you want to do (all in your price range and capabilities) use a random number generator and go do what it lands on. wheretardis is for me and how it affects me personally:7h in virgo at 18 - :) i swear to god i literally have a running list of asteroids and picked at random 25 different asteroids. they may take longer to find a style that works for them. you may show that you wish to repay them for all that they have given you - this act of service may make you feel whole. attracted adoration. He often explored the human condition by means of politics and spirituality. you could be seen as glamorous by onlookers. cancer - moon. Dominant Houses: when you have three or more planets in one house (especially the sun or moon), that house can point to where the focus of the relationship lies. i have a blood mutation that causes my blood to clot (yes blood is marss territory but my clotting disorder could transfer a clot formed in my arm to my heart or my leg to my brain) when there is no need to - it could be hot out, i could have no cuts or scraps, i dont need to bump into anything and BAM a bruise, a hematoma, a blood clot. this is a great time to take your time - think through things! they may feel as though the pace of their life is uncomfortable for them. This is a harder time to conceive a child if you are trying, a long process of adoption or surrogacy, difficulty with fertility, or distance between you and a partner are common. By the age of 22, she had two bachelors degrees! you may get overly anxious when things do not go as planned: medusa was out for water when poseidon appeared and everything spiraled out of control. Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity (absence of gravity versus the laws of gravity and force) and made important contributions to the theory of quantum mechanics. Pisces (Saturn transiting the 12th house) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons in your life through the subconscious, dream state, sleeping, isolation, spiritual state, and sacrifice. she wasnt trying to lure poseidon into athenas temple but that is what the goddess assumed. examples: part two of retrogrades?, can you do a circe signs, degrees, houses, and aspects post?, 25 more random asteroids not related to mythology?, synastry for the aphrodite asteroids?, etc. A Mercury Trine Sun synastry suggests mutual understanding, which fosters respect in marriage. Hii in my neptune persona jupiter in leo 2House, can you tell me places , finding lost things with astrology help, how to predict the cycle of a relationship in astrology using composite charts, how to predict the future of your relationship in astrology, explaining the moon signs; i dont even remember i made this lol, mercury observations: our anxieties & getting through the day, #0012 this is what your pluto experiences loss in, my aphrodite signs, degrees, houses, and aspects post, part 1: primordials, titans, gods, goddesses, & muses, question about natal 1h varuna, negative sun-varuna aspects, and positive mc-varuna aspects.

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