vscode set default formatter for language

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// Controls whether the workbench should render with fewer animations. in progress tasks). // Plays a sound when the active line has a folded area that can be unfolded. // Controls how to limit the number of changes that can be parsed from Git status command. // Dispatches most keybindings to the terminal instead of the workbench, overriding `terminal.integrated.commandsToSkipShell`, which can be used alternatively for fine tuning. // Configure settings to be overridden for the shellscript language. All editor settings and some non-editor settings are supported. Can be set to 0 for no limit. // Controls if the Debug Console should suggest previously typed input. // - force-expand-multiline: Wrap each attribute. "less.lint.unknownVendorSpecificProperties", "scss.completion.completePropertyWithSemicolon", "scss.completion.triggerPropertyValueCompletion". // - compact: Menu is displayed as a compact button in the side bar. "less.format.spaceAroundSelectorSeparator". // Controls whether to show a confirmation dialog before closing the window or quitting the application. How can I explain to my manager that a project he wishes to undertake cannot be performed by the team? // When enabled IntelliSense shows `variable`-suggestions. // Controls the width of the cursor when `editor.cursorStyle` is set to `line`. // - allEditorsInActiveGroup: Save all editors in the active group before starting a debug session. What is the best code formatter for Vscode? A list of previously opened windows with unsaved files can be accessed via `File > Open Recent > More`, // - onExitAndWindowClose: Hot exit will be triggered when the last window is closed on Windows/Linux or when the `workbench.action.quit` command is triggered (command palette, keybinding, menu), and also for any window with a folder opened regardless of whether it's the last window. // - countAscending: Results are sorted by count per file, in ascending order. // When enabled cursor can navigate to the next/previous cell when the current cursor in the cell editor is at the first/last line. // - proportional: The minimap has the same size as the editor contents (and might scroll). // - peek: Show references in peek editor. // Controls the default Source Control repository view mode. Later we'll cover Workspace settings, which will be specific to the project you're working on. // Controls how suggestions are pre-selected when showing the suggest list. // - name: The name of the untitled file is not derived from the contents of the file. A formatter must be available and the formatter should be able to format a range in a document. How can i customize code formatting for javascript? // Defines allowed characters that are not being highlighted. // Controls when `cursorSurroundingLines` should be enforced. // The Linux profiles to present when creating a new terminal via the terminal dropdown. // Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Reference' is the current location. // - always: Always confirm if there are terminals. I use it locally and with the google style guide. // - matchingDocuments: Suggest words from all open documents of the same language. // Whether the cell status bar should be shown. "css.format.spaceAroundSelectorSeparator". "javascript.inlayHints.variableTypes.suppressWhenTypeMatchesName". // Controls whether to treat the option key as the meta key in the terminal on macOS. A Node process launched with the `--inspect` flag will always be attached to, regardless of this setting. // Enabled/disable autocomplete suggestions. // - deepIndent: Wrapped lines get +2 indentation toward the parent. // Controls how the editor should render the current line highlight. // Prefer showing hovers above the line, if there's space. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `key`-symbols. // Controls whether a window should restore to full screen mode if it was exited in full screen mode. Editor view state is stored per editor group and discarded when a group closes. "editor.renderLineHighlightOnlyWhenFocus". Accepts "normal" and "bold" keywords or numbers between 1 and 1000. // When enabled IntelliSense filtering requires that the first character matches on a word start. // Controls whether to force selection when using Option+click on macOS. // - never: Never show the folding controls and reduce the gutter size. The Settings editor Search bar has several filters to make it easier to manage your settings. // - crash: Sends OS level crash reports. // - last: Only show the last element of the file path in the breadcrumbs view. // Controls whether git actions should show progress. "editor.gotoLocation.multipleDefinitions". // Defines a default folding range provider that takes precedence over all other folding range providers. // Enable/disable default TypeScript formatter. // Controls whether the editor automatically collapses import ranges. // - foldersNestsFiles: Files and folders are sorted by their names. // Whether to allow menubar mnemonics (for example Alt+F) to trigger the open of the menubar. // Configure settings to be ignored while synchronizing. // Controls the format of the label for an editor. If using `search.searchEditor.reusePriorSearchConfiguration`, this can be set to `null` (empty) to use the prior Search Editor's configuration. // - shortest: Prefers a non-relative import only if one is available that has fewer path segments than a relative import. // - path: Repositories in the Source Control Repositories and Source Control views are sorted by repository path. If this setting is turned off, only failed tests will be revealed. Disabled extensions are not updated automatically. "workbench.editor.historyBasedLanguageDetection". This requires a file icon theme to be enabled as well. // The default number of surrounding context lines to use when creating new Search Editors. Set to `null` to delete the environment variable. Supported dictionaries: `adjectives`, `animals`, `colors` and `numbers`. Grunt task detection can cause files in any open workspace to be executed. // List of folders that are ignored while scanning for Git repositories when `git.autoRepositoryDetection` is set to `true` or `subFolders`. // - fill: The minimap will stretch or shrink as necessary to fill the height of the editor (no scrolling). Smart scrolling allows you to lock scrolling automatically when you click in the output view and unlocks when you click in the last line. // - interval: Line numbers are rendered every 10 lines. // Controls whether to optimistically update the state of the Source Control view after running git commands. // - always: Always maximize the panel when opening it. Note: For a Multi-root Workspace, workspace settings are located inside the workspace configuration file. // - type: Files and folders are grouped by extension type then sorted by their names. // Controls whether the search results will be collapsed or expanded. "scss.lint.unknownVendorSpecificProperties". // - countDescending: Results are sorted by count per file, in descending order. 1. // When enabled, fetch all branches when pulling. // Complete functions with their parameter signature. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Search for "Default Formatter". // - name: Repositories in the Source Control Repositories and Source Control views are sorted by repository name. Styling contours by colour and by line thickness in QGIS. // - hidden: The vertical scrollbar will always be hidden. // Whether to display the environment changes indicator on each terminal which explains whether extensions have made, or want to make changes to the terminal's environment. To check which settings you have configured, there is a @modified filter in the Search bar. // - non-relative: Prefers a non-relative import based on the `baseUrl` or `paths` configured in your `jsconfig.json` / `tsconfig.json`. // - overview: Show the diff decorations only in the overview ruler. "terminal.integrated.altClickMovesCursor". Note that changes require a full restart to apply and that native tabs will disable a custom title bar style if configured. // - always: Confirm if the terminal is either in the editor or panel. // - mixed: Files and folders are sorted by their names. // - trailing: Render only trailing whitespace characters. "javascript.suggest.includeCompletionsForImportStatements". Only applies when `editor.formatOnSave` is enabled. When enabled, the file contents of an editor that is saved will be stored to a backup location to be able to restore or review the contents later. // Controls whether opened editors show as preview editors. // Plays a sound when trying to read a line with inlay hints that has no inlay hints. // Controls the behavior of clicking an activity bar icon in the workbench. "editor.gotoLocation.multipleTypeDefinitions". // Save all dirty editors before running a task. // Controls whether the built-in HTML language support validates embedded scripts. // Controls whether the built-in PHP language suggestions are enabled. // Object with environment variables that will be added to the VS Code process to be used by the terminal on Windows. Setting this to 0 hides the Open Editors pane. // Controls the memory available to VS Code after restart when trying to open large files. // Controls when the minimap slider is shown. // - currentDocument: Only suggest words from the active document. By overriding an extension's default kind using this setting, you specify if that extension should be installed and enabled locally or remotely. // Plays a sound when the focus moves to a modified line in diff review mode or to the next/previous change. How to change indentation in Visual Studio Code? // - 21: White on black or black on white. // Push all annotated tags when running the sync command. // - process: Ports will be automatically forwarded when discovered by watching for processes that are started and include a port. // Whether to draw custom glyphs for block element and box drawing characters instead of using the font, which typically yields better rendering with continuous lines. Use `null` to use the default indent size. // Configure whether you receive automatic updates. It will fallback to the name in case the line is empty or contains no word characters. // - auto: Insert `={}` or `=""` after attribute names based on the prop type. // Configures font ligatures or font features. Thanks, it looks pretty good, I'm missing it in my CSS, javascript/typescript and html seems to work out of the box ok. This value is ignored when `window.titleBarStyle` is `native`. // Enable/disable default LESS formatter. For example, in Visual Studio 2013 I can choose compact mode for CSS. // When an extension is listed here, a confirmation prompt will not be shown when that extension handles a URI. Should be used as an alternative to 'launch.json' that is shared across workspaces. // Enable/disable auto import suggestions. Can be either a boolean to enable/disable ligatures or a string for the value of the CSS 'font-feature-settings' property. "terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.history". // Controls whether to use `.gitignore` and `.ignore` files when searching for files. // Determines whether or not shell integration is auto-injected to support features like enhanced command tracking and current working directory detection. "search.quickOpen.history.filterSortOrder". // The default profile used on Windows. Changes require a full restart to apply. // - alwaysCommitToNewBranch: Always commit changes to a new branch. // - large: Increases the size, so it can be grabbed more easily with the mouse. In the dropdown, prettier will show as esbenp.prettier-vscode. // Enable/disable automatic updating of import paths when you rename or move a file in VS Code. Requires strict null checks to be enabled. Some languages have default language-specific settings already set, which you can review in defaultSettings.json by running the Preferences: Open Default Settings command. // Force git to use rebase when running the sync command. // Default options used when debugging a process through the `Debug: Attach to Node.js Process` command. // Controls the letter spacing in pixels. // Defines space handling after opening and before closing empty braces. The following example shows how you can customize settings for javascript and typescript languages together in your settings.json file: Configurations can be overridden at multiple levels by the different setting scopes. // Controls whether turning on Zen Mode also centers the layout. Some settings allow you to specify an executable that VS Code will run to perform certain operations. The natural language search is provided by a Microsoft online service. If not set, will be inherited from the `http_proxy` and `https_proxy` environment variables. // - sync: Run 'git pull' and 'git push' after a successful commit. // Enable some language-neutral replacement and quotes beautification in the Markdown preview. // Enables commit signing with GPG or X.509. // - none: Disables font smoothing. Wrapped lines begin at column 1. // - false: Semantic highlighting disabled for all color themes. // Enable debug logging for the Markdown extension. "interactiveWindow.alwaysScrollOnNewCell". "debug.javascript.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer". // Enable/disable auto creation of quotes for HTML attribute assignment. This is useful for languages like Markdown that often contain other languages that might trick language detection into thinking it's the embedded language and not Markdown. // - onDoubleHash: Enable workspace header suggestions after typing `#` in a path, for example `[link text](#_`. // Controls whether to enable automatic GitHub authentication for git commands within VS Code. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `constant`-symbols. // Create a CodeLens for merge conflict blocks within editor. // Configures when the error Peek view is automatically opened. Prettier - Code formatter - Visual Studio Marketplace // Suppress type hints on variables whose name is identical to the type name. Remote settings - Apply to a remote machine opened by a user. // Enables the inlay hints in the editor. "workbench.editor.enablePreviewFromCodeNavigation". // Configure effect of double-clicking a result in a search editor. // Set default properties that are applied to all ports that don't get properties from the setting `remote.portsAttributes`. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. // Enable/disable the ability of smart scrolling in the output view. "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterCommaDelimiter", "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterConstructor", "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions", "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements", "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingEmptyBraces", "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingJsxExpressionBraces", "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBraces", "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets", "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyParenthesis", "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingTemplateStringBraces", "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterSemicolonInForStatements". (On Windows and macOS, a reload of the window is required after turning this off.). Use `workbench.colorCustomizations` to override the bracket highlight colors. Extensions using `limited` will always be enabled, and the extension will hide functionality that requires trust. // When the terminal process must be shut down (for example on window or application close), this determines when the previous terminal session contents/history should be restored and processes be recreated when the workspace is next opened. // Controls the terminal description, which appears to the right of the title. // Global debug launch configuration. // - keyboardOnly: Only ask for confirmation if a keybinding was used. Only `files.encoding` is respected. // Validate duplicated definitions in the current file. // Display hover with 'Run' and 'Debug' commands for scripts. // Persist terminal sessions/history for the workspace across window reloads. // - auto: Uses operating system specific path separation character. "terminal.integrated.environmentChangesRelaunch", "terminal.integrated.fastScrollSensitivity". If '0', local echo will always be on, and if '-1' it will be disabled. // Controls whether the layout control is shown in the custom title bar. // - type: Results are sorted by file extensions, in alphabetical order. "search.searchEditor.doubleClickBehaviour". // Controls whether to open Replace Preview when selecting or replacing a match. // - off: Do not show symbols in the breadcrumbs view. // Controls how to open items in trees and lists using the mouse (if supported). // When enabled breadcrumbs show `field`-symbols. // When enabled, the diff editor ignores changes in leading or trailing whitespace. // Update the search query to the editor's selected text when focusing the search view. // - visible: The horizontal scrollbar will always be visible. "editor.semanticTokenColorCustomizations". // Defines the bracket pairs that are colorized by their nesting level if bracket pair colorization is enabled. // - content: The name of the untitled file is derived from the contents of its first line unless it has an associated file path. Below, the Source Control settings are focused by selecting Source Control in the tree view. Policy settings - Set by the system administrator, these values always override other setting values. // The default profile used on macOS. Unset it to inherit the value of `config.inputValidationLength`. // - onSingleOrDoubleHash: Enable workspace header suggestions after typing either `#` or `#` in a path, for example `[link text](#_` or `[link text](#_`. User: ~/.omnisharp/omnisharp.json or %USERPROFILE%\.omnisharp\omnisharp.json // Controls whether the Find Widget should read or modify the shared find clipboard on macOS. // Enable/disable auto-import-style completions on partially-typed import statements. // If enabled, this setting will close the window when the application icon in the title bar is double-clicked. // Configure settings to be overridden for the less language. // Note that there can still be cases where this setting is ignored (e.g. // Controls whether to enable the natural language search mode for settings. Each value represents the dictionary used to generate the segment of the branch name. // - numbers: A random number between 100 and 999. // Line height for the suggest widget. When tabs are disabled, the path relative to the workspace folder is shown if the editor is active. Each __Value__ represents a comma separated list of the child patterns that should be shown nested under a given parent. // - currentProject: Only search for symbols in the current JavaScript or TypeScript project. // Controls whether the editor has code folding enabled. // Local echo will be disabled when any of these program names are found in the terminal title. // Controls whether words are overwritten when accepting completions. You could also assign other keys for different formatters in your keyboard shortcuts (keybindings.json). // Terminal style of locally echoed text; either a font style or an RGB color. // - prompt: Prompt the user to sign in to store working changes in the cloud with Continue Working On. The dialog does not show when: // - Bracketed paste mode is enabled (the shell supports multi-line paste natively), // - The paste is handled by the shell's readline (in the case of pwsh), "terminal.integrated.enableMultiLinePasteWarning". // Always confirm the creation of empty commits for the 'Git: Commit Empty' command. // Associate schemas to JSON files in the current project. Run with F1 Beautify (to beautify a selection) or F1 Beautify file. // Controls whether to ask for confirmation before committing without verification. // Use badges for errors and warnings on Outline elements. Note: VS Code extensions can also add their own custom settings, and those settings will be visible under an Extensions section. "typescript.suggest.objectLiteralMethodSnippets.enabled". // Adjust the appearance of dialog windows. // Controls whether selections should have rounded corners. The Settings editor is the UI that lets you review and modify setting values that are stored in a settings.json file. // Enable/disable semantic checking of JavaScript files. Existing `jsconfig.json` or `tsconfig.json` files override this setting. // Controls whether and how symbols are shown in the breadcrumbs view. It is an opinionated code formatter that enforces a consistent style by parsing your code and re-printing it with its own rules that take the maximum line length into account, wrapping code when necessary. // - discovery time: Repositories in the Source Control Repositories view are sorted by discovery time. However, there was nothing for CSS and CSS-like syntaxes. // Controls whether sorting favors words that appear close to the cursor. Use a single server to handle all IntelliSense operations. // - menu: Shows a single button with a dropdown of layout options. // - active: Enables horizontal guides only for the active bracket pair. // Open the merge editor for files that are currently under conflict. // - none: The editor will not insert indentation automatically. // Controls when to show commit message input validation. // Enable updating links when a directory is moved or renamed in the workspace. "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.windows". // - separate: Untracked changes appear separately in the Source Control view. // Controls the lexicographic sorting of file and folder names in the Explorer. // Controls from which documents word based completions are computed. If you have settings defined for the same language in both user and workspace scopes, then they are merged by giving precedence to the ones defined in the workspace.

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